Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our Baby Keeps Growing!!

We had one of our routine doctor's appointments on Friday, and I am now measuring 40 weeks...which is mildly concerning since I was only 35+3 weeks at the appointment.  The doctor believes that I am measuring ahead because the baby is so big, however she wants us to have another ultrasound just to be sure that there is not too much fluid in the amniotic sac (aka polyhydramnios).  Since the doctor seems confident that nothing is wrong, we are going with the assumption that Noah is just going to be a very big boy and we will wait to find out more on Tuesday at the ultrasound! Until then, there is no sense in worrying about it!

We took a few more photos this week since we are getting closer to the end of this journey!

Noah's Room! Now we just need a little baby boy to put in the crib :)

My three boys and me :)